Product Details
+Magnetic Forklift Sweeper Product Description:
This magnetic sweeper is a hanging model supplied with handles that allow a vehicle or forklift to attach. This model has a length of 60 inches (1524mm) and is identified by the Amf Magnetics part number 89109. It has a retractable handle that allows all swarf and metallic debris to be easily disposed of in a skip or bin without having to touch or scrape the debris from the base of the sweeper.
Uses for our magnetic forklift sweeper :
Metal fragments in the workplace can present long lasting health and safety hazards for staff and customers and puncture hazards for pneumatic wheeled vehicles. Cars, trucks, bicycles and goods pallets routinely express metallic objects of all kinds.
This magnetic sweeper attached to a forklift or small tractor via tyne lugs or engagement brackets hovers over large areas like car parks and factory floors and loading docks and driveways, waste transfer compounds and dockyards in order to attract, capture and secure metallic waste only.
Magnetic pull force does not apply to organic matter like dead birds, plastics like shopping bags or straws or paper products like pizza boxes. Magnetic attraction allows the uncontaminated harvest and clean storage of the only type of waste that can be exchanged for cash, scrap metal.
Metal is a durable substance. Uncollected, heavy rain can carry metal fragments into gutters and roadways, parks and footpaths, stormwater drains and finally beaches and water courses where they continue to present hazards for people and other creatures. Regular trawling for these nuisance materials with magnetic sweepers is an act of due diligence at the source of the problem. Simple collection and release protocols allow metal fragments to be quickly and cleanly collected and stored, removed from where they can do harm, to be exchanged for some cash to where they are actually wanted. The metal recycling depot.
AMF's FORKLIFT MAGNETIC SWEEPERS are the perfect solution for cleaning up large areas of nails, screws & other metal debris that can cause costly tyre repairs or pose as a safety risk to employees & customers alike.
- No servicing required
- Robust in design and construction
- Tyne Lugs to suit forklift
- Manual or semi-manual cleaning options